

NVR Blog

My intention behind writing the NVR blog is to A) introduce parents, foster parents, adoptive parents, carers to NVR B) assist caregivers interested in using […]


There is an army of people walking on the surface of this planet who could have a happier, more satisfying lives if not for one […]

About Tom

Tom Jagiello “I am passionate about helping people. The look in their eyes – when they realise, that they can overcome limitations and do much […]

About Dorota

Dorota Rospierska MSc MSc in Social Clinical Psychology in Poland (the Warsaw School of Social Psychology) MSc in Systemic Family Psychotherapy The University of Bedfordshire (KCCF) […]

The first step

Booking a session can be your first step towards changing your life. Send us an email now with your details and give us two – three […]


  Emotional Distress: Information and Support – If you or someone you know are feeling emotionally distressed, the following organisations offer advice and support (in […]

Videos to watch

We invite you to watch a selection of videos (mainly Ted Talks) that you may find inspiring, informative, and enriching. If you have your favourite […]

Recommended readings

Meditation “The healing power of loving kindness”  Tulku Thondup Book about developing and cultivating good hart and loving kindness presented by the Buddhist master but […]