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and set goals for the future.
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“Transform Your Mind – Transform Your Life”
Personal Development Seminar in London
with Dorota Rospierska MSc & Tom Jagiello NLP trainer
This workshop will give you the insight to the fascinating way our brains processes information and how this knowledge can be used in an everyday situation to take control of the way we act and react. You will learn very practical tools for managing emotions, overcoming limitations, setting goals and therefore create more happiness in life.
The program is based on a very simple assumption:
Our difficult traumatic memories are just an unfinished process of learning. The moment we absorb necessary learnings they become like any other memory allowing us to move forward. The process of transformation is based on several techniques originating in Time Line Therapy TM that every participant learns how to apply during the seminar. This is intensive training. It is all about empowering and taking responsibility for our life experiences. Working in the right way with right tools can turn these difficult experiences into personal growth.
The Impact of Traumatic Memories
“Trauma, as suppressed experience, has a charge of energy that seeks release, if not through the body of the victim, then through the bodies of the children in future generations.”
“The energy of a trauma doesn’t dissipate by itself, It doesn’t stay boxed up.”
Mark Wolynn,
the author of “IT DIDN’T START WITH YOU”
Winner of the 2016 Nautilus Book Award in psychology.
Details of the booking at the bottom of this page
Learn about influence of stress from this TED Ed lesson.
Our traumatic/distressing experiences
Our lives may be satisfactory, and this is great.
Yet, there maybe some areas, where we could be rather stuck in reoccurring destructive or limiting patterns of thinking, feeling, behaving. From cut edge research, we know that often those repeating difficulties may be based in unresolved distressing or traumatic events: single traumas (an accident, operation, attack etc.) or so-called developmental traumas (e.g. an ongoing distress experienced over a period of time especially in formative years of life). Our unhealed emotional wounds tend to manifest themselves in forms of reoccurring patterns like:
- An obsessive thinking about our ex – still, five years after the breakup.
- Or getting another job which promised well but yet again turned into a nightmare as all five previous jobs had before.
- Or being in a grip of anxious thoughts and feelings like on a roller-coaster,
- Or smoking, overeating, procrastination, neglecting our health;
- Having the same argument with our spouse without any resolution over and over,
How Will This Workshop Help?
The program will teach you in an in-depth but simple way, how to complete the process of learning which those reoccurring difficulties simply flag up. This program is designed for shifting limiting thought patterns, processing emotions and turning those into a desirable behaviour. Not necessarily in a case of crisis but as a part of our daily mental health routine. If you don’t have one, this program shows you how to look after your well-being.
Here’s What You Will Learn:
You will learn how to recognise your stuck patterns and break the cycle; how to free yourself from the grip of painful emotions associated with those patterns by releasing their energy, how to plan and take action in the direction you wish to go.
The tools will allow you to learn how to manage the emotions and thinking patterns in order to successfully:
- break reoccurring patterns and unwanted repeating reactions,
- deal with stress associated with going through those cycles
- release energy from emotions and learn from them
- know how to run our brains and overstimulated minds
- reconcile internal conflicts between what we feel, think in order to achieve a sense of integration and strength
How is this achieved?
- The thought pattern or mindset shift is achieved by using Communication Model (and connected with this method techniques).
- The emotional processing utilises Ericksonian Hypnosis and Timeline Therapy approach (and associated techniques).
- The behavioural change is supported by Goal Installation (TLT) and Goal Mapping.
- We will learn as well a process of forgiveness. If you wish you can have the experience of this process now – go to: “Love Healing and Forgiveness“ and download file free of charge.
This Workshop Is For You If …
- wish to introduce a change in your life
- wish to feel the change and experience a mindset shift
- wish to feel the change, experience the mindset shift and put those into action
- wish to be an example for your children of how to manage emotions as opposed to allow the emotions to manage you
- are interested in learning and using cutting edge tools for personal development
- are interested in Goal Mapping system which utilises left and right brain for maximum impact
- are interested in learning fascinating and practical knowledge about perception explained in Communication Model
If you have any question click here: FAQ if there is no answer to it, please ask a question and we will reply.
Details of the booking at the bottom of this page
What people say about the seminar:
Time and date: Saturday 30 June 10:00 – 20:00 with 1.5 h lunch break and 4 tea breaks
Sunday 1 July 10:00 – 20:00 with 1.5 h lunch break and 4 tea breaks
Where: London N4 (details will be sent to you via email after you finish booking).
Regular offer £ 350.00 (paid at the door)
Special price £241.00 (- 31%)
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Senior price (over 65) £ 168.00 (-52%) – you will be asked for DOB proof (driving licence, passport etc.)
Student price £ 182.00 (-48%) – you will be asked for valid student card
If you have a question ask Tom via an email:
Our Privacy Policy is here.
Who are your trainers?

Dorota is MSc in Systemic Family Psychotherapy, EMDR practitioner, Certified Master practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy™and Trainer of NVR (Non Violent Resistant approach).
Memories from our previous, (smaller and bigger) seminars: