One of the main modalities we offer is hypnotherapy.
There is a lot of incorrect information and myths about hypnosis and hypnotherapy – below there is some clarification about what we do.

The typical image of hypnotist comes from films or TV programmes where we see someone who does some trans induction, then gives commands (often funny) and after or during trance “a subject” of this trans does, what was commanded by a hypnotist.
We need to understand that this is stage hypnosis, and these “demonstrations” are often staged and have very little to do with hypnotherapy.

Hypnosis is know to human kind from the dawn of its history.
Hypnosis is know to human kind from the dawn of its history. Collective and individual trances were practised for millennia for healing, vision and transformation in every culture on the earth.
Modern hypnotherapy can be a very efficient tool
Modern hypnotherapy can be a very efficient tool to tackle a broad range of psychological and emotional problems. It uses a naturally occurring phenomenon. Everyone experienced an altered state of mind or a trans during their lifetimes many times.
We are in and out of different depths of trances multiple times a day. Each time we are engrossed in a book or a film to that extent that we stop noticing our surrounding, it is an example of self-induced trance. When we look at some beautiful scenery and do not hear what somebody says to us, or we think about something so intensely that we do not notice the passage of time – this is naturally occurring trance.
Each day, we enter a deep “altered state of mind

It is also interesting that each day, we enter a deep “altered state of mind” when our body activates the processes of regeneration and self-healing. This state is, of course, sleep (from the Greek “hýpnos”). In this deep state, we seem to be completely unaware, however, some part of our “brain” must be awake. Have you ever wondered what, for example, prevents us from falling out of bed, even when it is an “unfamiliar bed”, for example in a hotel, at friends or when staying with family? There must be something awake even in this deepest sleep.
In addition to this deep state, we also go through a phase (REM, Rapid Eyes Movements) in which we dream. It happens every night, even if we don’t remember our dreams. In this phase, naturally and spontaneously our “brain” works and processes impressions from the past (mainly from the previous day) also consolidate the acquired knowledge. Occasionally, in this state, we are aware of our surroundings and dream at the same time. This state between being awake and dreaming can be used when we can work on a solution or inner transformation in a slightly more deliberate way than in spontaneous dreams.
there are two ways of helping people to go into that state
In hypnotherapy, there are two ways of helping people to go into that state. One is a formal induction another is allowing people to go into a trance on their own, just facilitating the process for them. We are mainly using the second approach. It was developed by one of the greatest hypnotherapists of XX century Dr Milton. H. Erickson.
Regardless of the approach, what is important to understand is that nobody puts anybody into a trance. This is something that you do by yourself, and you always have control over it. Even with the formal induction, this is your free choice to follow instructions (or not), and you can stop the process at any time. So, hypnotherapy is always a process of collaboration between a therapist and a client.

Another misconception is that a therapist could during trance put some harmful suggestions in a client’s subconsciousness. Here what is important to understand is that during a trance, if a hypothetical hypnotherapist would suggest you something, that is not in line with your ethical code, your subconscious (sometimes called unconscious) mind would jerk you out of a trance immediately. And that would be probably the last session with this therapist, as you would never feel safe enough to go into a trance in his presence again.
A good therapist is always empowering a client
A good therapist is always empowering a client. It is, because the purpose of therapy is, to help a person to become a strong and independent person (including independent from a therapist).
The hypnotherapy – the way we use it, helps you to go into a deeper state of mind. Once you are in it, we facilitate a process of communication between your conscious and unconscious mind. That allows you to draw wisdom from your past experiences so that you can let go of negative emotions associated with them and turn these experiences into inner resources. Once you learn how to do that, the number of traumatic memories dramatically drop-down.
high increase in trust to oneself and the ability to use your innate wisdom
The by-product of using this method is a high increase in trust to oneself and the ability to use your innate wisdom. This process is very useful in resolving the many difficulties people struggle with. We use this method during our interventions, particularly in the process of overcoming low self-esteem and developing greater self-acceptance.
One of the forms of hypnotherapy Time Line Therapy™
If you are curious about how other clients experienced this process, please read their testimonials.