Our Fees

To book the first Zoom consultation with us send us a request via email
or call us on (+44) 074 808 455 73

Before we start working, we would like you to complete the pre-session questionnaire.

It will help us understand your needs and preferences and organise our service for you.

General fees

  • £60 per 50 minutes – individual therapy  – Tom (£72 per hour)
  • £75 per 50 minutes – individual therapy – Dorota (£90 per hour)
  • £90 per 50 minutes –  couple therapy       – Dorota  (£108 per hour)

The phobia cure due to its specificity is priced separately – contact us to discuss the details.

Click here, to check what you are paying for:

Responding to the costs of leaving crises, we keep available slots for clients with financial difficulties whenever possible. We cannot promise to accept all low-income clients; however, we will do what we can to help.

Tom’s services

Hypnotherapy, EMDR, Ego states therapy, Inner Child, Time Line Therapy™

Individual online* session 90 minutes £108.00

Block of six 90 minutes individual online* sessions £648:00 -5% discount = 615.00

Coaching – mentoring – four online* sessions (90 minutes) £432.00

Block of twelve coaching – mentoring online* sessions (90 minutes – each)(three months) £1296.00

with 5% discount – £1230.00 (if paid in three instalments of £410.00), or

with 10% discount if paid in one instalment £1166.00

Phobia cure – please contact Tom to discuss fees.

Elicitation of values, identification of developmental stages (based on Clare W. Graves), meta-programmes etc. £60.00 per 50 minutes

Goal Mapping for individuals and teams – please contact Tom to discuss fees.

Tom works online via *Zoom and other communicators. If you want meet with Tom in person, to above price you need to add £15 – £20 (per hour) fee for hiring a consultation room. You can meet Tom at Hackney Therapy House, Second floor, 83 Kingsland High Street, Dalston, London E8 2PB

Dorota’s services

EMDR, Mentalisation Based Therapy,  NVR for families, Time Line Therapy™, Systemic Supervision, NVR Supervision 

EMDR online* session (75 minutes) online session* £112.00

Block of six EMDR online* sessions £672.00 – 5% = £638.00

Individual online* session 50 minutes £75.00

Block of six 50 minutes individual online* sessions £450 -5% discount = £427.00

Couple therapy (Mentalisation Based Therapy) 50 minutes online* session £90.00

Block of six 50 minutes couple therapy online* session £540 – 5% discount = £510.00

NVR rebuilding your family connections – programme for parents or caregivers – 10 weekly 90 minutes (15hrs x £108= £1620.00) online* sessions – with

10% discount £1215.00 (paid in three £486.00 instalments) or

20% discount paid in one instalment £1296.00

NVR rebuilding your family connections – programme for parents or caregivers group of maximum 15 families (maximum 30 participants) – please contact Dorota for details.

NVR rebuilding your family connections – programme for professional facilitators – please contact Dorota for details.

NVR supervision for facilitators 50 minutes online* £90.00

Dorota works online via *Zoom or similar platform (Skype, WhatsApp, messenger, bilateral base etc.)

If you want meet with Dorota in person, to above price you need to add £15 – 20 fee for hiring a consultation room (depending on time and day). You can meet Dorota at Hackney Therapy House, Second floor, 83 Kingsland High Street, Dalston, London E8 2PB

Dorota as well sees clients at London Wellbeing Centre where different pricing may apply.

We accept bank transfers or PayPal payments

We provide the payments details after we sign a therapeutic contract with you as our client.
