Mentalization-based therapy (MBT)

Mentalization is the ability to understand the mental state – of oneself or others – that underlies overt behaviour. (source Wikipedia)
It helps to make sense of our thoughts, beliefs, wishes and feelings and to link these to our actions and behaviours.
Mentalization is a normal capacity that we all use in everyday life. It underpins all human relationships. However, some people find it more difficult to mentalise in certain situations than others.
MBT aims to improve a person’s capacity to mentalise. We focus on what is going on in their mind and in the minds of other people and link this to understand and alleviate problematic behaviours.
Mentalization-based therapy is suitable for children, young people and adults.
Mentalization-based therapy can help with:
- borderline personality disorder
- other personality disorders
- eating disorders
- depression
- trauma
- drug addiction
It’s particularly useful for people who suffer from long-term difficulties in relationships and who experience intense emotional distress and overwhelming feelings which may result in destructive behaviours such as self-harm or aggression towards others.
It is also helpful for people who may be distrustful of other people and have difficulty in reading other people’s responses to them.
Mentalization-based treatments can be used to help children, young people and families who suffer from psychological difficulties.
For more details ask Dorota
source: the Tavistock & Portman